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Who We Are

Systematik is a full-stack data consulting firm based in Montreal dedicated to turning business data into assets. We’re proud partners of Fivetran and dbt.

Speed is King

Why am I talking about speed on a page about data? Because it is the biggest reason to become a data-driven organization. 

 Every stakeholders in a company has to answer many questions per day. What to work on? Which marketing channel has the lowest CPA? Are we on pace to hit our goals? Did our last experiment generated the result we were hoping for?
Most organizations would spend days or even weeks hacking reports together to get an “answer” to these questions. Then another week debating the accuracy of that analysis with other stakeholders. Messy data is costing you much more than you realize.
There is a better way. A single source of truth.

Tame the Chaos with a Single Source of Truth

Say goodbye to chaotic reporting, wasted time and team misalignment. Our agile custom solution provides value every step of the way.


✅Unify data from all sources into one BigQuery warehouse

✅Alerts & monitoring system

✅Automated dashboards

✅Data collection

✅Data team that stays by your side


Our team will transform, combine, and refine your data to a point where it can answer your most critical questions.

Want to 10X Your Speed? Book a Free Consultation

During this free 30-minute consultation, we’ll discuss how we could build a custom solution that would answer all your questions.
