Data ownership is shifting

We all want an accurate view of the customer journey, perform valuable analysis & measurement, and push the right message to our target group at the right time. To do so, data availability and proper data collection are key. Whereas possibilities seemed unlimited and unregulated in the past 2 decades, things have drastically changed by now.

Multiple privacy scandals created more awareness amongst consumers and legislators and kick-started numerous initiatives and laws to protect the digital consumer. EU Legislators created a proper framework introducing GDPR and e-privacy legislation, enabling all citizens to understand their rights in terms of data collection and the right to be forgotten. At the same time, legislators have been fining those who don’t comply, and will keep on doing so. 

Data collection becomes  a liability and we’re all forced to re-think the way we track and collect user data.

(Data) power to the people

Consumers are becoming more aware of the value their data holds. As a reaction, the industry is launching multiple initiatives that enable the consumer to get a piece of that value. Nonetheless, few of them give the consumer the actual control over their data. 

Solid, an ecosystem that prescribed a way of building web apps, is different. It introduces the concept of a personal data vault in which each individual can safely share its data, while being able to revoke it at any time. This creates a relationship that’s beneficial for both parties. 

Want to know more? Check out our virtual talk on Solid and data ownership. 

How to make the shift?

We strongly believe in the concept of data ownership, and solutions like solid. Nonetheless, the development and adoption of this concept is still in an early stage. Today it’s important as a business to prepare for this future, and think about challenges regarding online identification, browser tracking restrictions, consent based data collection, and the strategy you want to deploy to keep your customers engaged with your product or services. 

At Stitchd, we understand the evolving landscape of and offer the right expertise and knowledge to help organizations adapt. Ready to explore the future of tracking and data collection for your business? Contact us now to schedule a free session and unlock the potential of your data.
