Take the Quiz to Discover Your Team's Data Maturity

Want to find out how data-driven your marketing team really is? Take this 5 mins quiz to get a customised evaluation of your analytics maturity along with recommendations to reach the next level.

What You'll Learn

  • How your team rates at finding insights quickly from data
  • If decisions are made confidently based on analytics
  • Where your data culture stands on adoption
  • How well spending is optimised by analytics

The quiz benchmarks your practices across four key areas of analytics maturity. You’ll receive customised scores for each area highlighting your capabilities and gaps.

These insights shed light on blindspots that may be limiting your team’s performance. And they reveal realistic steps you can start taking now to lay the data foundation for better decisions and growth.

We’ll instantly email your personalised maturity scores along with a short analysis of what the results mean for your team.

Our Framework Transforms Teams Into Data Powerhouses

Business Ahead founder, Agata Adamiak has developed and refined a methodology for transforming fragmented analytics into efficient systems.

She honed her approach while leading analytics divisions and teams at prominent organisations including: Brother International Europe, Ocean Finance and the Post Office.

We now use this system to conduct strategic audits identifying optimisation opportunities. Then, implement customised tracking, dashboards, governance, and training programs tailored to each client’s needs.

These tools empower regular marketers to independently find accurate answers in minutes, not hours. They facilitate collaboration and confidence in data-driven decisions.

Curious if our framework could optimise your analytics capability? Start by taking our short quiz to uncover your data-driven maturity and opportunities.
