How to marry your privacy commitments with data analytics and activation?

Topic Description:

  1. How to build a “sustainable” digital analytics and activation practice?
  2. What’s “sustainable” in data collection (data minimization, respecting consent choices, EU's audience measurement, filling the gaps in data sets)?
  3. Onboarding personal data and activation options for known and unknown visitors.

Who is Piotr Korzeniowski?

An executive with a background in AdTech and MarTech, Piotr successfully ran a software development company until 2021. 

He has spent the last eight years at Piwik PRO building one of the best enterprise analytics companies. 

Piotr is an econometrist and finance person by trade, as well as a lecturer at Kozminsky University in postgraduate courses on internet marketing.

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"Google Sheets and BigQuery"

Topic Description:

You'll get a look at how the Query function in Google Sheets is similar to SQL syntax and can help you learn BigQuery.

Plus, a side-by-side comparison of actions with the Query function and BigQuery equivalents.

Ben will also use Connected Sheets to bring data from BigQuery into Sheets.

Who is Ben Collins?

Ben helps individuals and businesses better understand their data and work more efficiently with Google Workspace tools.

Over 50,000 professionals from 1,000+ companies have enrolled in his training courses, including employees from PwC, Netflix, Verizon, Google, Capital One, and other Fortune 500 companies.

Google recognized Ben as a Google Developer Expert for Google Workspace Technology in 2019, one of only a handful worldwide.

Ben works primarily with Google Sheets and Apps Script and has extensive experience with Google Data Studio, Microsoft Excel, SQL, and Tableau. He previously taught data courses and workshops for General Assembly in Washington, D.C.

Connect with Ben on: LinkedIn | Twitter